воскресенье, 22 марта 2009 г.

Sexual Lingerie from our site can make ANY Man Go Crazy!

Sexual Lingerie from our site can make ANY Man Go Crazy!

There are many ways you can make your man so excited that he will be begging for more. It's all about the settings, and the accessories . Sensual lingerie remains of the best tools and The secret weapon of seduction and subjugation of the men.What does all women by the most irresistible? What any woman can not resist? Certainly it's magnificent sexy Lingerie. Only finest Lingerie can underline all beauty, and sexual beauty of the woman. After all, the sexual Lingerie gives you the most faultless kind, any man cannot resist you! Asking what it's for? The answer is very simple-it gives force and the power over men!

For today, there is a set of various shops and boutiques on sale of Lingerie. But all of them do not give a full picture of the review of Lingerie which is necessary for you. Last several years sales through the Internet shops have increased as they allow to choose that elegant sexy Lingerie of which you dreamt! The choice in the Internet shop (www.sexiestwear.com) is much more extensive, and the prices noticeably less because of absence of a rent and other taxes. Women are ready to spend a lot of money for sexy Lingerie, all women, does not matter what age they are, what race they are and what religion they are belong to

To show to the man: who is the "real boss in the house" - here the reason which induces women on mad expenditure for the sake of the sexuality. Sometimes happens that the sexy Lingerie looks very beautifully, but not really conveniently...Even this cause does not stop women.

What is the underwear for the man? These are simply convenient in which he feels naturally. But for the woman underwear it not simply attribute of the clothes, it something sacred which it is necessary to keep under control constantly. If even it will be not absolutely comfy or convenient, but it's the "price"! To keep your man in constant admiration from you- expensive costs!

That is why any real woman spends a lot of money for sexy Lingerie, which is the investment in her sexuality. And they all do it for the sake of men! For the sake of those who is ready to carry them on hands every day, for the sake of those who is ready to conquest of all tops of the world, if only women pleased them accordingly. So lovely ladies, do not spend in vain time, buy erotic Lingerie and be the most desired and irresistible in all and everywhere!

Wish to raise self-confidence, to diversify and noticeably improve your sexual life or to find the best gift then visit our site! On our site can to find the best sexual Lingerie for all tastes and for all occasions! Ladies, I don't care who you are or what you think you look like; you are as sexy as you feel! Wear our Lingerie,Take a look in the mirror and you will tell yourself: I'm SOoooo sexy!!

Finest Lingerie products only for YOU at prices not to be missed! Be always sexual and desired! www.sexiestwear.com

About the Author:



Lovemaking Tips To Avoid Lovemaking Mistakes

I've often seen couples do not really realize that they are making mistakes in their relation. What they experience is that they don't feel there is "fire" in their love lives. Everything looks boring and making loving is just an activity for fulfilling sexual needs. Here are some tips to spice up their love life. Do you dare to try?
1. Try something new. Believe me, your spouse will love that idea. Don't feel scared or embarrassed to talk to your spouse about that.
2. Get the right timing to persuade your spouse to make love. Never push your spouse to make love in they are not in the mood. Trying to persuade when he/she is not in the mood is useless and it won't work.
3. Never underestimate foreplay. Making love is just like having sport, you need warming up. Warming up will help you muscle ready and optimizing the result of your exercise. Foreplay indeed helps you and your partner ready and intensifies orgasm. So, slow down, take your time and make your foreplay as fun as possible.
4. Never thing sex toy or porno would help. You don't want plastics or rubber or any toy possible take your place right? Once it's happened, your partner will never rely on you any longer.
5. A lot of women can't reach orgasm through ordinary lovemaking. You are able to help using the right techniques.
6. Try to finish together and focus on what she really needs to have orgasm.
7. Be spontaneous, don't stick to something routine. Find something new in every opportunity of making love with your partner.
These are few lovemaking tips I learn from Michael Webb, the world most romantic man on earth. His tips and techniques help me and my spouse having a better love life. Try above tips, and if they work with us, we believe they work for you.

About the Author:

Henri S. Taruna enjoys his love life better by practicing tips from the world most romantic man. Click this link to learn more: Lovemaking Tips


The Inter-Relationship Between A Conversion Action And A Landing Page

While designing and developing an adult-themed website is a challenging task beyond doubt, adult web site promotion is no cake walk either. Adult web marketing is integral to the business goals of any adult web site. After all, why would any entrepreneur take any interest in a venture unless one expects profits in return? Not to mention, adult web sites are widely considered to be highly lucrative and commercially viable.

Understandably, web masters spend substantial time, money and efforts on strategic adult web promotion and strive to secure a conversion action from their target user groups. A conversion action under adult web marketing purview can include the following:

      • Prompting the visitor to lead to a particular adult website for promotion;

      • Request for contact information to generate a database of leads;

      • Prompt visitor for a follow-up action;

      • Subscribe to organizations newsletter, updates or latest news;

      • Download a particular offer available free of cost, including a video, an e-book, an application, a market research report or a video etc.;

      • Convert a visitor into a customer and so on.

The conversion action outlines the main motivating factor behind adult web marketing and promotion. Accordingly, adult website promotion involves active implementation of various Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services, including Pay per Click (PPC) ads, and focus on the landing page optimization.

Landing page is the web page that greets the visitor when a visitor clicks on the URL of the particular adult website on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). The purpose of a landing page is to prompt a conversion action from the visitor.

As any adult website aims at multiple conversion actions, it is a prevalent strategy in adult website promotion to design and implement a different landing page for each search keyword to drive home corresponding conversion action, as suggested most approximate by the visitors search key phrase in question.


Boost Sexual Pleasure & Desire With Female Sexual Enhancers

Do you suffer from decreased libido? Are you losing interest in having sex? Is your mate constantly telling you about your lack of sexual desire? You are not alone. Many women have a loss of female libido at some point in their lives.There are solutions out there for increasing your libido with female sexual enhancers.

Female Sexual Enhancers are the elements that maximize sexual pleasure. As women, we often time put our sexual health on the back burner to please everyone else but ourselves. We have many different jobs such as being a wife, parent, employee, and friend. Often times we forget about ourselves and our sexual drive sometimes suffer from this. There are other causes of lack of libido in female such as being stress.

Men have been ahead of women when it comes to finding an enhancement that helps restore or help in aiding your low sex drive. But nowadays researchers and Drug companies have found libido enhancements that help women restore their sexual drive also.

The affects of Female Sexual Enhancers are:

  • Increases libido or restore lack of sex drive
  • Improves levels of excitement during foreplay
  • Increases blood flow to the clitoris
  • Speeds up arousal and climax
  • Increases orgasm and help achieve multiple orgasms

Now women can experience what they lacked before. They also can enjoy sex more often while using these libido enhancers. Furthermore, a relationship whether is your spouse or significant other can be destroyed due to the lack of intimacy. Since female libido enhancers have been available for women, there have been fewer reports about lack of sex drive. Both men and women are happy that there is a product out to help increase a woman's sex drive.

About the Author:

Honey White focuses on Natural Female Sexual Enhancement products.Ladies, now it time to take advantage and control of your sex life with the best libido enhancement products DivasLoveShop have to offers.Finally women everywhere can discover all over again everything they need with HerSolution™… where great sex is only the beginning!


How to seal your marriage shut from devalued stocks and unemployment!

This is interesting because it is almost akin to eating an entire pizza and then shoving down a pint of ice cream, you feel that unattractive. Money is an amazingly powerful tool! Yes, I know I hate that too...but it is a reality and today we are feeling it more than ever.

What tends to suffer first however are our relationships! We all know the statistics on money and marriage, what is interesting is that just adding more money to the pot is not the only way (or the best way) to get through these tough times!

I feel compelled to quote an article that was written in Associated Content

"Middle and high-income marriages may fight over spending levels, who is earning more/less money, the authority to spend the money, and whether each partner is doing his/her share. Women, in today's society, are at less financial risk than ever before. As a result, many women expect men to help with the traditional household chores. Since many men still believe this to be woman's work, the equal partnership with both partners bringing in an income, can create problems that are essentially created by money."

This to me is a really interesting phenomenon because as women business owners we are contributing to every level possible within our households-regardless of the monetary amount. However men do not seem to want to partake in any of the additional chores or household work that needs to be done, at least not around here. This typically starts the conversation about nagging which leads to complete resentment, frustration and...no SEX.

What secrets do I have about keeping my marriage alive and hot, even with two children and a husband who works 10 hrs a day outside the home? (well that is one of my secrets:0)


1) Hire a housekeeper that does your laundry Hire a housekeeper that does your laundry (unless you are one of those rare women who enjoy doing laundry and feel tranquil and peaceful as you are folding socks) For me this was a revolutionary moment in or household! My constant nagging was reduced (a little), my resentment of moping floors just to have my 2 year old throw rice and tomato sauce on the floor two hours later was lightened (because at least now I shared the resentment with our housekeeper, just kidding) and I had MORE time to do things that I wanted to do (which is typically making money in my business) sexy right? Who is all hot and bothered by folding laundry and picking up chewed pieces of food? Not me baby. Check out a great resource I recommend by clicking here.

2) Do a serious SELF evaluation. I know these can be scary-and as women we tend to automatically internally beat our selves up. So I am not talking about a self bashing. I am talking about a serious sit down with who you are on the inside, what you look like on the outside and HOW you are portraying yourself to the world. Are you in alignment with WHO you want to be?

Background3) Buy some freakin lingerie already! I know those of you who are familiar with my thoughts on this subject may be tired of hearing it. I don't care! If you can not look in your lingerie drawer right now and get excited about a special pair of pretty panties then you need an overhaul. Click here to see some of my favorites hanky panky's! 4) Kiss your husband when he leaves in the morning and when walks in the door at night! Kiss him like you used to kiss before sex was a viable option. Yes I know you are tired, kids are running around, dinner needs to be made and...DO IT! It changes everything. We are so caught up in all that is around us every minute of every day. When your spouse walks in, remind yourself why you are married to him. A quick tip (try to imagine him feeling every bit of passion you have for him in that very moment, it works wonders) It can also set the stage for an afternoon quickie! If your spouse works close by I strongly recommend this-especially since the same old bedtime routine in between the sheets is the LAST thing we want to resort to after a day with screaming kids, traffic, bills and brainstorming sessions.

5) ASK FOR HELP...this is hard for all of us. My husband loves to be involved with my business, he will research, proofread, email, make phone calls...but it's funny he is not the first one to jump up and do the dishes when I need to get back to the office. So when he says can I do anything I say YES "empty the dishwasher and make the kids lunches" then we get into a million questions about what he should put in the kids lunches-but that's another topic.

Background6) Pay Yourself! Ok I may get a lot of flack on this one-but I really believe it. I grew up in a home where my parents shared everything, everything. My mom never went anywhere without my dad and vice versa, well it worked for them for over 30+ years so more power to them but for me...I NEED some independence!!! I like to have a little stash of money that is Mine, mine, all mine. I don't have to account for it, answer questions about it, or justify what I am using it for;) I love it, it keeps me sane and sexy.

7) Reach out to other women. Reach out to other women. Form a community of positive women you can plug into and be real with...there is enough competition out there! If you can form a Mastermind group made up of just women I would recommend it.

8) Scare yourself!
Yep you heard me. There is nothing more sexy than challenging yourself to grow outside of your comfort zone. If you feel you are in a complacent state, then you bet your spouse can feel it too! Fear can be a confidence booster, grab hold and walk right through it - wearing lace panties of course!

9) Have a date night box established. Have a date night box established. Make a box and write down dates that you would like to do but haven't yet (if you want you can out a price limit on the date so things do not get too extravagant) Each of you should secretly add to the date box and once a week draw a piece of paper, you HAVE to do whatever the date night says. Some of our favorites are trying new restaurants, going to picnic in the park, country line dancing, wine tasting, strip clubs (that one is Dave's)-well you get the idea.

Background10) Do something that makes you happy EVERY DAY, something that is just for you. Do something that makes you happy EVERY DAY, something that is just for you. Now this may take some exploring because we tend to forget who we are and what we want when we are running around taking care of everyone else. We need to stop the Martyr syndrome and start taking ownership. What one thing could you do that would make you smile? I buy myself yellow tulips and go for long walks and cups of tea, I sit down in the sun and close my eyes listening to the birds and my kids. Jot down 5 things that make you smile right now. Come on DO IT it will only take a second, if you can't think of any you have an issue and we should talk.

About the Author:

Tara Marino is a Women's Lifestyle Expert and creator of The Pretty Panty Line. She works with women around the world to inspire and empower them to embrace their beauty, their passions and their true desires in life to fulfill their highest visions. Tara's mission is to empower women to make a global change in the worlds current economic, political and gender conscious. She can be contacted at Tara@ElegantFemme.com


I Usually Shop For Condoms Online But Never Heard About The Trojan Vibrating Touch Personal Massagers

Have ever you noticed how many sex toys are available in today's market? As a man, I have to say, and I know I won't be alone in this, that watching a woman satisfying herself with a "toy" is a total pleasure.

Thinking of my girlfriend's pleasure, I started looking online for what new sexy products are available. I have to admit I started daydreaming when I was looking at all those products, imagining how much pleasure those devices will generate. I spent some time and did my research on this umm... interesting subject. What I found out is something that rather surprised me.

I browsed all the selections of vibrators or "personal massagers" as they are also often called. And a question popped up in my mind. Why are some of those products so unwieldy and cumbersome? It seems like a personal product should be small, petite and discreet. Discreetness was something that I did not find in many of the products that I researched. Petite, discreet and powerful is what counts.

So I did a little more research. As I guy I usually shop for condoms online and I have to say that I prefer name brand condom products over some brand I never heard before. It turns out that those same well-known condom brands recently entered the personal massager market and are really in a race with each other to offer what is in their eyes, the best for women's most sensitive and intimate areas. I never knew that Trojan, the major condom manufacturer, also makes a personal fingertip massager. In fact, many condom brands offer fingertip massagers. These products piqued my interest because they are offered by reputable manufacturers and have so many features that I did not see in all those many other products I was looking at.

Vibrating touch is a petite and therefore discreet, personal massager that creates big pleasure. It slides right on your finger. That is why they call it vibrating massager for her pleasure. Vibrating touch is textured and its gentle vibrations create a big time pleasure for women in their most erogenous zones. The biggest advantage of this type of product is its size and the fact that it can also provide the same sensual satisfaction as its bigger counterparts.

Having experienced the fingertip massager with my girlfriend, I understand the reason for the vibrating craze... I have to say that the best thing is these little toys increased the pleasure for my girlfriend while we were having hot sex. She totally loved the added sensations, making it better for her and therefore me too.

It's generally known that having sex or experiencing orgasm is not only a pleasurable feeling but it is very relaxing and removes stress too. Using a fingertip massager helps you enjoy sex more, and gives you a well-balanced, stress-free body, which will translate to a more fulfilling relationship with your partner.

I am happy I went exploring online and then explored with my girlfriend.

To read more on Trojan Her Pleasure Vibrating Touch Fingertip Massager follow the link.

About the Author:

The autor is a contributor and editor for various internet publications on subject of sexuality, condoms and others.


Virginity Testing for Today’s Generation

So many things change over time, sexuality practices are no exception. In the olden days, sexual discourse was a taboo but today it is explicitly discussed in all forms of media. Despite this, virginity still remains the most important personal treasures of all. There is a turn on the methods that were used to test virginity for today's generation as things have turned challenging for guardians and parents in terms of controlling sexuality information that their children gets exposed to.

Today the HIV/Aids pandemic compels everyone to talk about sex, the correct practices and even how it should be done. Sex has undoubtedly turned into a transaction for all age groups. Having a family supported on sexual transaction is no longer surprising as it used to, say 20 years ago. Society has grown to tolerate immoral sexual practices and attribute all this to the economic downturn as numerous firms shut down, which result in increased unemployment.

In the past, it was strongly advocated for the youth to remain virgins until marriage. We still hear of that in churches and some religious circles even today. Gender roles were clear and respect for older people was a given. This made it easy for guardians/parents to monitor sexuality for their children.

Despite difficulties in managing sexuality for growing children today, there are options to tell of a sexually active child and one who isn't. It's no doubt a break through for guardians/parents to know when their children have become sexually active. The earlier they get know, the better. They can device mentoring strategies as it is obviously not good for children to be sexually active before committing themselves to a lasting heterosexual relationship, preferably in the confinement of marriage.

What would you do if you discovered that your child is sexually active?

What would a young man do if her fiancée claimed to be a virgin yet she is sexually active behind his back?

In Africa, old woman used certain methods to test if a girl is a virgin or not. Sometimes it didn't require that they touch or even talk to the girl but could know for sure she's sexually active. Those were surely quality methods that I want to term ‘Assessment Methods' as opposed to ‘testing'. I have taken the trouble to look out for such methods and compile an ebook for all to know these methods. They are assessment methods and not testing methods, which means that you use them without seeking permission from the girl/lady to access and has no limits. The strength of no limits can help you advice a friend whom you think needs to take precautions for her sexual behaviors and for young man it would help in marriage decision.

To learn more about this ebook, follow the link ‘The Hands-free African Virginity Testing Methods'.

About the Author:

A writer, motivational speaker, teacher and a businessman. Authoring six motivational books and a freelencer for two local magazines. Website is yeboyesafrica.com.


Summer’s Sex Tips – Get The Most Out Of Your Dirty Weekend

If you're planning a naughty getaway with your partner you'll both enjoy it far more if you do a little preparation. First things first, you don't want to waste time while you are away, and there is nothing attractive about depilation, so if you have enough notice, get a wax 24 hours before departure, or try The Be Bare Hair Trim Set, an essential for getting everything in order.

Next, don't over pack, but do be prepared. After all having to lug your suitcase to the room and then waiting an hour for you to unpack your stuff isn't going to get your man going. Think about what you really want to take, and of course remember the sex toys and lingerie.

While making yourself look nice is of course important, be sure not to spend too much time in the bathroom. You are likely to lose his attention and ardour to Sky Sports, and when you come out you may well find him asleep or in the bar. You can however bring the pampering into the bedroom, which ultimately is a lot more fun than a solo soak in the tub. Why not take an erotic massage kit with you? The Romantic Massage Kit available from Summer's Sex Shop is just the thing to express yourself through touch, and to get some much needed pampering in.

This brings us neatly on to our fourth point - adult novelties as they are rather unromantically known. The beauty of being away is that you can treat it as time out from your usual life and try things that you might be hesitant to do at home. Ever fancied tying him up, or being tied up? Take some silk scarves. You know sexy uniforms turn him on? Visit Summer's Sex Shop before you go. Summer's stock a wide range of fantasy clothing and erotic fashion all designed to add a bit more spice to the bedroom.

Now you've successfully had your wicked weekend away, and of course everything went according to plan, you might want to get a bit more adventurous at home. From sensual ideas and kits designed to get your paces racing, such as erotic massage oils and ticklers, to sex toys for experts such as bondage gear and leather wear, as well as solo sex tips, dildos and vibrators, Summer's Sex Shop has something for everyone. For details of the products featured please visit www.summerssexshop.com.

About Summer's Sex Shop: Summer's Sex Shop is an online supplier of sex toys and adult novelties. They supply a wide range of adult gifts and games aswell as toys and erotic clothing.

Editor's Note: Summer's Sex Shop is represented by search engine optimisation agency, Top Position. Please direct all press queries to Gareth Vipers. Email: gareth@topposition.co.uk or call: 01623 726 234.


Sizzling G spot positions

The infamous G spot, hit that spot for your lady and you can give her mind blowing orgasms, so, where is it? what is it?...read on...

Well without giving you an in-depth anatomy lesson, the G Spot is a swollen/rough area that is near the front wall of the vagina. When pressed and stimulated you'll give her a level of pleasure that cannot be done just through clitoral contact.

It's not easy to stimulate the G spot through convential sex, but there are some positions that you can use to hit the G spot and make yourself the best lover that shes ever had.

  • G Spot Positions 1

Woman's legs on your shoulder This position involves either standing or kneeling and placing her legs on your shoulder. This sex position works because her legs are
spread and you have open access to her sweet area. What's great about this position is you can be adventurous and use different pieces of furniture.
In addition, you can maintain constant eye contact which makes this position very sensual.

  • G Spot Positions 2

Woman on top. When the woman is on top, she's able to control the intensity, depth and pace of sex. In other words, you'll be able to hit this spot. It's a great position for touching her all
over her body. One great way for her to have G Spot stimulated is to have her rock back and forth. Try to experiment with different ways to access this area till you find something that she really enjoys. This means altering your depth and speed.

  • G Spot Positions 3

Behind a woman. Often called "doggystyle" this sex position to hit the secret area typically places the guy in control of sex. In the past, you have to do all the work while she just
accepts it. But if you're interested in hitting her G Spot, you have to let her do a lot of the work. If she wants you to stimulate this area, she should press her legs together as much as possible and then push back against you. By doing this, she'll be the one to find the hidden area. Another
variation you can try that'll drive her wild is to again press her thighs together (and having her legs outside of hers) while pushing her down on the bed.
That way, you can hit directly hit the G Spot. Trust me when I say she'll absolutely love this position! Knowing how to find the positions to hit the G Spot during sex is an incredible way to pleasing your woman. By trying out the three positions that I described in this article, you'll easily hit her secret spot and give her mind blowing orgasms. Now all you have to do is find a woman to share your secret sex techniques!

About the Author:



Human Pheromones - Do They Work or Is It Just Hype?

If you spend any time at all searching for tips on improving your ability to meet and attract the opposite sex, you are sure to bombarded by advertisements for products containing human pheromones. Do these product claims have any truth behind them or are they merely hype?

What are pheromones?

Pheromones are basically invisible chemical messengers that are detected by a specialized organ known as the Vomeronasal Organ (VNO for short). Although the VNO is located in the nose, pheromones themselves have no actual odor. Some describe it as the "sixth sense" used to communicate unspoken messages with others. Undeniably, the air is loaded with secrets - with intimate messages both unseen and unheard.

What do scientists say about pheromones?

Although it is widely accepted that pheromones affect the behavior of many species, some scientists still express doubt about their impact on human behavior. Others insist that pheromones always have, and will continue to have, a profound effect.

What does the scientific commnunityResearch into human pheromones has been underway for several decades. A number of reputable and credible scientific studies have been performed that validate the role of pheromones in mating behavior. The "chemistry" between people may indeed be a literal truth; a driving force behind mate selection.

The mainstream media have reported extensively on the power of pheromones as natural sexual attractants. For example, an article on WebMD cited a study which documented the sexual activity of a number of young to middle-aged heterosexual men while using pheromones. The results of the study showed that users of pheromones had:

* increased frequency of informal dates
* increased frequency of affectionate gestures
* increased frequency of sleeping next to a romantic partner
* increased frequency of foreplay
* increased frequency of sexual intercourse

Pheromones have been prominently featured on CNN, ABC, 20/20 and Hardcopy while numerous articles have been published in medical journals, newspapers and dozens of magazines.

If my body already produces pheromones, why do I need to add more?

Although the body emits pheromones naturally, the effect they have can be limited by modern social customs. During man's primitive days, hygiene practices such as daily showering, the use of deodorants, skin creams, and, of course, clothing were limited or non-existent. These days we make ourselves socially acceptable through these practices. The result is that we suppress our natural pheromone effectiveness. Adding an external pheromone should significantly increase your chances of attracting a mate.

In conclusion, pheromones do seem to influence the likelihood of and the frequency with which we have sex as well as with whom. However, using pheromone products cannot, by themselves, guarantee sexual attraction. Obnoxious behavior and bad personal hygiene simply cannot be overcome by pheromones. However, for the average guy or gal, the right product may be just what is needed to help find that special "someone".

About the Author:

Jim Navary has been a freelance writer and researcher for over thirty years covering a wide range of topics. Additional information about pheromones and links to recommended pheromone products can be found by clicking here:


Arab and Muslim women Issues! Part Two

There are certain points related to Arab and Muslim women. We covered three of these points in previous article, here are the rest examples:

4. Parenting In the Arab and Muslim world: In the Parenting an Arab and Muslim girl, parents give girls everything they wanted. They treat them sincerely and kindly. And when they were at the right age, the family chose a good husband for her, in what called in sociology, arranged marriages which is popular in the Arab and Muslim world. a good man, the family knows. But some young ladies had ideas of their own. Therefore, they rebelled. They have choices: one is to refuse the proposed person. And deny fulfilling the marriage contract. Or for other reason such as going to complete their education at the university, in local or far communities. May be other countries differ from the place of origin. If they are married, they usually did not love the selected husband who was forced on her at the beginning. In Saudi Arabia, and many other Muslim and Arab countries, woman still should not be allowed to raise her voice. They call it "Awrah", a "shameful act" by women to raise their voice when men are present. A woman is considered of a "lower, inferior sex" by choice, some say, because the Islamic culture promotes certain ethics in terms of women behavior. That she should not act like a man. The man is the master, or the over hand in marriage or in the family, a young brother can control his elder sister, this is common in Arab and Muslim countries. As she's the wife, not the slave as some people like to say. Soon after a woman marriage she usually live in the extended family, but these days the newly married couple have their own house. They may leave to other community as we said, and fell in love in that different environment. No girl or boy may fall in love "deliberately." Even a veiled woman, but women usually conceal their love from family. It is sometimes told to close female friends. Lover in Arab and Muslim world become in danger position, some people consider love as illegal and forbidden. But lovers may die for their love. They may sacrifice themselves for the lover safety.

5. Islam, Divorce, and Human Rights: Does Islam allow divorce, equal rights for the women and men? For any reason at all!! Well, the habits vary from one place to another. That's why adultery for married or spouse is punishable by death. But under certain circumstances, for example, if she or he confessed or 4 male witnesses witnessing penetration (actual sexual act-as explained in the text). Still in some close societies cultures press the fact of protecting honor of the girl. In some cases, in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Kuwait, and many other communities the father or elder brother takes charge to kill the girl. The culture usually sympathizes with honor offenders, and sometimes the court itself, give less penalty in these cases. Many women feel that this is absurd ruling, and should not be practiced. And human rights have to be preserved for both men and women.

6. Arranged marriages for some critics are absolutely silly to hear about , the argument that a woman committed adultery, because she was not asked who she wanted as a husband In Islamic lands where the woman cannot even decide that, and consider that act as ridiculous to even mention it. They think of that as an Islamic Virus to be fought. But to eradicate such practice and to give valid assumptions, women today, in the crowded and high density cities, women do not marry by traditional arrangement. This habit is decreasing rapidly. The opposite of this image, is far from true.

7. Stories of horror: It is all over in the news, until very recently we have no law that would protect a husband who murdered his wife and her lover when he found them in flagrant delicate situation. There is not so terribly much difference between Western and Middle Eastern cultures on this point, really. I feel sorry when I hear such stories against young couple, but they, just like us, live in a society of laws and knew what the laws were to be followed and obeyed. Penalties for crimes is simply understood, but sacrificed sometimes by emotional mis-control.

8. Religious or Cultural Practices: No government or official law on human rights are respected or secured in love cases leads to adultery in the Arab and Muslim world. So it might be excusable for ancient people to act like as they did. Love is blind as they say, but temptations to commit adultery is punishable. Old storis of Romeo and Juliet, Antar and Abla, Qays and Laila, many centuries old stories of history these days. In the modern world with a high tech civilization, and interaction through media and education and cultural diffusion, it is not excusable to do it according to Arabic and Islamic ethics. A Saudi man do not allow women to have a freedom, negates cultural norms. Some women's activists call for women in Saudi Arabia the right to drive their cars alone. What do you expect from a culture respects honor and perceive women as weak persons, need always men or familial protection? In Saudi Arabia, if a woman is not allowed to drive, or to vote, or to go outside alone, or to talk with unrelated men and etc, it does not mean that they prohibit them from loving each other, no one can stand in the face of love, because love is incited by God, and God makes people love each other, but when love became illegal love, negate cultural norms, then killing people who love each other and committed adultery is suitable punishment, culturally. There is no dating as Americans way of life. These adultery activities are prohibited in both Arab and Islamic countries. Saudi like to watch the execution of such penalties, they often come from far away just for seeing these acts. In these days, westerners do not admit such acts and describe them as just uneducated savages actions against human rights, but not modern people who call themselves Muslims their families appreciate such acts. (1084 words)

Dr. Hasan Yahya is a professor of Sociology, and columnist at wfol.tv Malaysia and TINA International News Agency, Chicago, USA. www.hasanyahya.com


Arab and Muslim womenIssues! Part One

There are certain points related to Arab and Muslim women. In this part we cover three of them, in part two, however, five other points will be covered.

1. Cruel Punishment: Some readers believe that there is no reason to shoot someone in the head six times, and to dagger someone's neck till his head falls off his body. This is cruel act. It's no reason to take someone's life away. But can they ask the same in western societies? They usually have Gas killing, and in the old west, hanging was executed for stealing a horse. It is a fact that a husband surely must have two-to- four wives, or was indeed going to have two-to-four wives. Unmarried couple will be flogged 100 times, male or female, Both will get the same penalty. If they chose to keep quiet, asking the forgiveness from the Lord Himself, He is All Forgiving. The authorities in this case, will not know and the punishment will not be carried out. It is all covered and secretly done. It is the duty of the authorities to carry out the punishment if they knew. Now that being said....Islamic laws has always been fair for many ages. It is the society and the interpretation of Islamic law by the government of the country that made it harsh, it may be cultural matter rather than Islamic law. One must understand Saudis way of enforcing their Islamic laws or cultural ones, which I feel is more traditional than the real embodiment of Islamic spirit. Many people think that was right. If a woman or a man committed adultery. She/he betrayed their family. And in case they are married they, in fact betrayed the institution of marriage. Men are responsible too: There are always two to commit adultery. Some people trying to say that women make men do things against their will and seduce them when they want? Are men bunch of sheep without their own will who do whatever women want? Are men weaklings incapable to control their lust and urges? That way of thinking reminds me of one of the Australian Muslim mullahs who said women are guilty of being raped because they are not covered from head to toe. Did he want to tell us that if men sees a woman that is not veiled they can't control themselves? What type of men are these men? Adultery is committed in all societies, and the right of women to say no for sexual intercourse, in many societies is punishable by law. The American society is a good example, look at university research data on rape and women abuse. In terms of men are more responsible for adultery, boys probably fall in love just like a girl does. And they probably seduced girls as much as girls seduced boys and probably even more, because an Arab or non Arab girl, a Saudi or Qatari woman is raised not to show initiative and to do what men tell her to do. No one may conclude that adultery was a woman's fault only? Unless was like the Mullah of Australia. And that a man couldn't choose to walk away and chooses to commit adultery as much as she did. God gave us free will to do what is right. Why do people blame other people for their decisions? Women sometimes are at least faithful to her feelings and nature. The writer might not like to praise what a man or woman does (In adultery) but he admires a girl's courage to be true to herself and accept the cultural punishment according to the Law. Everyone I believe, is responsible for their own actions, and women alone are not to blame for men's emotions.

2. Accusations of Arab Societies: Some people accuse Arab women (especially in the Gulf Arab societies) for looking to as low as their drivers for sex? And ask Why this so? Then they give an answer to their question: It's because their men marry twice or thrice, and at some point one of the wives is always ignored. What do you expect her to do? An answer for this would be that Qatari, Saudi, or else, women do not sleep with as low as their drivers. This is absurd! There is no truth behind this. Claiming the opposite would be heresy and presumptions which, even if it was true does not constitute the majority nor do they alter the real truth. The writer spent a large proportion of his life in the Arab and Muslim world and he still reluctant to pin point a particular issue at its place. Claimers of these accusations of Qatari women, have to live longer and be with them and think like them to understand their issues. No one can just "cut and paste" their ideas for the public, who no little about Arab and Muslim culture. About polygamy, defenders of Arab women, in fact, say that many husbands [majority in each society] had only one wife. And most those who are polygamous are living in law illiteracy rate traditional communities. The writer has only one wife.

3. Islam and Adultery: The entire system in Islam should be re-done. Many people claim that, but for themselves, and later they act as others. Adultery is a larger question in Islam. Whether a woman willed herself to fall in love or whether she was helpless. Maybe she never loved her husband. But that's not important here. I think any state which kills for adultery has got some issues it needs to deal with in terms of human rights practiced in the western world [Europe and USA, Canada, etc.,]. Those claims that there should be no such thing as adultery. Reason for that is that no one can control the heart. No one prevent falling in love anytime with anyone. In all cases, it doesn't matter of your marital status or seeing someone especially when someone is not happy. Life goes on, but some women do not like such life without love and respect. Some may ask: Why should they shoot an adulterer six times in the head? Talking about the men can have more than one wife, it is allowed only if they can be fair, it is not even encouraged in Islam. Most Muslim men abuse their women. Control them in authoritative way. But this phenomenon is decreasing by time. (1101 words)

Dr. Hasan Yahya is a professor of Sociology, and columnist at wfol.tv Malaysia and TINA International News Agency, Chicago, USA. www.hasanyahya.com


Honor - Killing, and Sexuality In the Arab and Muslim World

In this article we cover three issues: Honor-Killing, Sexuality in Islamic law, and genital cutting.

Honor-Killing: Islam Like any other religion, condemns the vigilante-style honor killings that still occur more than other religions in the Middle Eastern countries. [including Iran and Afghanistan] The So-called honor killing (or honor-murders, nearly exclusively of women, of persons who are perceived as having brought dishonor to their families) are often identified with Islam. The hadith refer to a case where Mohammed sanctions the stoning of an adulterous women. Honor killings are sanctioned in Iran's and Afghanistan's penal codes in which honor killing is legal or lightly punished. Honor killings are more common in Muslim-majority countries, especially in traditional societies with low literacy rate. though they occur in other countries as well. Other than Muslim countries is found to do the same as Muslims. I believe that the issue of honor killings is cultural practice rather than religious [Islamic] which is neither exclusive to, nor universal within, the Islamic world. Cases were reported in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iran and Turkey, and Afghanistan. The father of the elder brother usually take care of the killing of the girl, and rarely, killing the male offender. In Jordan, for example, as I experienced, courts, sometimes give less sentence to honor-killing, but human rights and feminist activists call for equality between the sexes.

Sexuality under Islamic Law: Having sex between male and female in Islamic way, is legal, But Islam enjoins sexual pleasure with marriage contract to be legal. A high value is placed on virginity and chastity for both men and women. But not celibacy (as in the Christian faith). To protect women from accusations of unchaste behavior, the scripture lays down severe punishments towards those who make false allegations about a woman's chastity. Four male eye witnesses have to witness a sexual operation between two or more persons in one site. Qur'an reads about the guilt: Let no man guilty of Adultery or fornication marry any but a woman, similarly guilty, or an unbeliever: Nor let any but such a man, or an unbeliever, marry such a woman, to the believers such a thing is forbidden."(al-Nur-24:3) And about witnesses Qur'an reads: "And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses{to support their allegation] Flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence, ever after, for such men are wicked transgressors." (al-Nur-24:4). Islamic law of Jurisprudence does not discriminate between genders in punishments for crimes. In case of sexual crimes such as rape called zina (extramarital sex, or adultery), for both men and women four eye witnesses are required to testify that they have seen the accused individuals having intercourse, meaning actually four of them should have seen the act as 'insertion of thread through the needle's hole'. In the eyes of the Islamic law the couple cannot be tried for zina if four witnesses are not available. Thus a strict Islamic punishment most unlikely to be executed, as there is hardly any chance of gathering such accurate witnesses. It shows how much Islam discourages advertisement of such a shameful crime, thus discouraging its further spread which may result in great disorders. The punishment for zina varies depending on the marital status of the guilty individuals. If they are single then both get a hundred lashes. If they are married the punishment is death, by stoning, or rajam. The difficulty of prosecuting rapists and the possibility of prosecution for women who allege rape has been of special interest to activists for Muslim women's rights In the past decades there have been several high profile cases of pregnant women prosecuted for zina who claim to have been raped.

Male Circumcise and Female Genital Cutting: In some cultures Female genital cutting [Tuhoor in Arabic] has been erroneously associated with Islam, but in fact it is practiced almost exclusively in Africa and in certain Arab countries has acquired a religious dimension. But culturally practiced The factuality of this is disputed though, A study made by the UNISEF of fourteen African countries found no correlation between religion and prevalence of Female genital cutting. In the case of males, unlike in Christianity, in Islam and Judaism males have to be circumcised. Usually performed in the first week after birth. (750 words)

Dr. Hasan Yahya is a professor of Sociology, Authority on Arab and Muslim Cultures,and columnist at wfol.tv Malaysia, and TINA International News Agency, Chicago, USA. www.hasanyahya.com


Foreplay Ideas to Improve Your Love Making

I can sum up all the great loForeplay Ideas to Improve Your Love Makingve making tips in one word; foreplay. Every sexual technique or position that you can think of is made even better by foreplay. The best way to get him or her aroused is to spend some time on these foreplay ideas. And great foreplay ideas don't have to wait until you enter the bedroom, it can happen practically anywhere.

One of my most enjoyable foreplay ideas takes the form of a game. Each partner takes turns giving the other a five minute massage. At the end of each 5 minute session, the massager gets to request anything for just one minute (or whatever time limit works for you). Just make sure that your request doesn't end in a climax. Only after five or six 5 minute massages each can you take steps to climax together. I discovered this after reading a book on foreplay ideas. It is one of the most enjoyable games that I have ever played.

To qualify as one the best foreplay ideas, you have to focus on the needs of both partners. Although you may want to climax right away, she may not be ready to climax so quickly. Take your time and spend some time cuddling, fondling or kissing. Most people report that they enjoy sex more if a significant amount of time is spent on foreplay.

Another of the great foreplay ideas is to experiment with different positions. This can be great as long as both parties are in agreement. The most exciting foreplay ideas come from your own fantasies and imagination. Try having sexing in different places. And I don't mean the sofa. Use your imagination and great foreplay ideas can be loads of fun!

For 500 lovemaking tips and foreplay ideas, go toGreat Foreplay Ideas!

About the Author:

For 500 lovemaking tips and foreplay ideas, go toGreat Foreplay Ideas!

How To Satisfy A Woman - What She Really Wants

Sex has a glaring symbolic meaning for women - for them sex is not just sex.

The emotional connection is the primary value of sex . For her it's all about the intimacy.

Every look, every touch, every taste, every smell and every sound are all part of the experience.

Bring on those emotions, let her experience them to the fullest.

She experiences sex with all her sense. By employing smell, taste, touch and sound, you can really get her going.

When you kiss her, focus on the kiss not on the end result. Slow down and savor the softness of her lips. Taste the sweetness of breath or the saltness of her skin. .

Gently run your fingers across her body and notice how her skin feels, and how she reacts.

Women love to be teased, so delay, create expectations and anticipation. Give her some of what she's expecting then back off a little. Then give her a bit more. Eventually you will have her in a frenzy.

She will read something into every kiss and touch so stay focused on pleasing her, not yourself.

Feel the love you have for her. Even if this is just a one night stand you should allow yourself to love her for the moment. What you feel will be expressed in your kisses and caresses and she will notice.

Take your time and live for the moment. Don't miss out on all the fantastic sensations by focusing on the outcome, just enjoy what is happening now. The end will come soon enough.

Remember for her it's not the orgasm that's important - it's the journey. The kissing and caressing are more important than the penetration.

Take a lesson from her, slow down and enjoy the experience. Not only will you satisfy her, you will enjoy sex that much more.

You may be thinking "he's talking about foreplay here". No this is not foreplay this is the actual act of making love. Foreplay is something else entirely, see How To Satisfy A Woman - Real Foreplay

Do you want her to crave your touch and become sexually addicted to you? Check out The Virtuoso Lover Series

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